Friday, April 4, 2014

4 April 2014: Regret Prevention

So ever since I started spring break, there haven't been a whole lot of posts. I would love to say that this is because I was too busy to post anything, but really, no one wants to hear stories about me eating sausage rolls while re-watching Sherlock. My American friends and my family members have all been messaging me like, "You should take a day trip someplace!" And I've been like "Um excuse me. Benedict Cumberbatch." However, after I re-watched 2x02 and found a tiny continuity error between 2x02 and 3x02-03, I decided that it was time to get out.

One of my best friends, Meaghan, is studying in Ireland right now. My mom told me that if I didn't make plans to either visit her or do something spectacular with her, I'd regret it forever. Now, that's a lot of pressure. I'm already majoring in English at an extremely expensive private college with no real idea of what I want to do after I graduate, so I already have plenty to regret. I didn't want to add "Not hanging out with my best friend in Europe" onto the list. So, after a bunch of wishy-washy back-and-forth planning, the two of us are officially going to London from April 10-14!

This trip is already exciting me and terrifying me. First of all, I'm only bringing a backpack and my purse. I tend to overpack, so it'll be interesting to see how I survive with next to nothing with me.
Second, I don't have a phone. My train gets into Kings Cross Station a little after 4, and Meaghan should be arriving at the station a little after 5, so I'm going to have an anxiety-filled hour of me imagining all of the places where Meaghan could be lying dead.
Third, for the first night, we're sleeping in one of those mixed-gender 12 bed hostel things. We got it for a great price and it includes breakfast, but like...10 strangers?! Whatever. We figured that we're both in our early 20s, so this is the kind of thing that people in their early 20s do. Thankfully, we only have to stay there for one night, though, because my friend Kelly is letting us stay at her place the other three nights :)

However, it's going to be so cool. I can already feel it. We're both huge fangirls, so we're going to go to Baker Street (where literary Sherlock Holmes lived), North Gower Street (where BBC Sherlock is filmed), eat at Speedy's Cafe (you know, the place right next door to BBC Sherlock's home), and stand outside of St. Bart's Hospital (and maybe figure out how he REALLY survived that fall...) I mean yeah, we're nerds, but whatever! I'm excited and she's excited, so like, it's fine :)

 Actual footage of what this trip is going to be like:

Raise your hand if you can tell how nervous I am!!!!!

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