Saturday, December 28, 2013

Saying Goodbye

Well, folks, we're on the home stretch. In just a few days from now, I'm going to be en route to York. While I cannot say that I'm done with packing (all that I've really done was laid out all of my clothes on the dining room table), I can say that I've said all of my goodbyes.

People always say that saying goodbye to your loved ones never gets any easier, but I didn't find that to be the case at all. Actually, each goodbye that I said was easier than the next. This wasn't because I've cared about each friend less and less as I went along. Actually, the last person that I gave a hug goodbye to is one of the closest friends I've ever had. No, I feel like I'm not sobbing over each and every final hug because I know that I'm not going to lose them.

Let's be honest. In a world that's tied together by the Internet, staying in touch is the easiest thing to do. It's kind of silly to say "I'll miss you, keep in touch" to somebody when you can literally chat with them and stalk their entire life with a few clicks of the mouse. We're going to all "like" each other's Facebook statuses and comment on one another's pictures and act as though there's not an ocean in between us. Really, there's no reason to miss your friends in the 21st century. They all essentially live inside of your laptop.

However, I still wanted my last physical memories with my friends to be special ones. At Wooster, our last "official" hangout was a little party that I named "Darren Crissmas."

With my home friends (who are actually most of my Wooster friends), we had a party named "Old Year's End."

Last night, I hung out with all of my camp friends. Sadly, no pictures were taken, but there was a great time to be had by all.

Today, my best friend Louie and I wanted to do something special before the ocean separated us for six months, so we went to Build-A-Bear Workshop and got matching teddy bears named Prince William and Princess Catherine. Kate's coming with me to England. She'll probably show up on this blog a few times here and there. :)

I just hope that I find people as great as the ones I know here over in York. Maybe that way, I can feel just as bittersweet as I do right now in six months when I'm once again forced to say goodbye.

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