Thursday, January 23, 2014

23 January 2014: At The Cinema

It's no secret that I've really been missing home lately. It's funny. I've wanted to live in England ever since I was a little girl. I used to watch the old BBC shows on Saturday nights on PBS and think that the whole country just seemed so much classier and more polished. I would try to perfect my British accent so that if the Harry Potter casting agents ever wanted me to come and be in one of their films, I'd be more than ready for the task. So I almost feel like I'm letting my younger self down whenever I sit in my room going through old pictures and wishing that I was back at home.

Yesterday evening, as I was stalking my Summer 2012 Facebook album, a few of my friends knocked on my door and invited me to come to the cinema with them. They were leaving right that minute. Without hesitation (or knowledge of what we were even seeing), I put on my coat and shoes, grabbed my purse, and left.

Since the cinema is about fifteen minutes from Halifax, we had to get there by car. I realized a couple of minutes into the journey that the last time I'd been in a non-taxi car, it was when my parents were dropping me off at the Akron-Canton Airport all those eternities ago. And even though I was having a lot of trouble comprehending the fact that the driver was sitting on the right-hand side of the front, everything felt a lot more homey than it had felt in a while.

When we got to the cinema, we got our tickets to go and see Last Vegas. The man behind the ticket booth told us where our assigned seat numbers were. I commented that it was a bit strange that we had assigned seating in a cinema, and Tyler told me that that wasn't typical in most UK theaters.

((I didn't order these, but I'm happy that they exist. It's almost like a doritos locos taco. Almost.))

We sat down just in time to miss the previews, but we didn't miss a single second of the film. The second that it began, I couldn't stop smiling.

Even though this film primarily takes place in Las Vegas, a city that I've never visited, and all of the characters grew up in New York City, a place that I've only been to once in my life, I just felt like I was at home for a little while. Everybody was using American money and had American accents and were talking about American cities...I know that it sounds stupid, but it was just what I needed. Plus, it was a really cute movie that had the entire audience laughing out loud the entire time, so that's always a plus :)

In the car on the way home, I was much chattier than I had been. Instead of dreaming about my home friends and Taco Bell last night, I actually had a dream that I was hanging out with York people (and eating Heinz ravioli, for some reason...)

You know what? I think I'm going to be just fine :)

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