Wednesday, January 29, 2014

29 January 2014: Betty's Tea Room

Today, two members of the Butler staff invited the three people at York from the Butler program to go to lunch with them at Betty's Tea Room. Betty's is a rather famous tearoom in England. People from all over the country come to York just to eat at Betty's. So when we found out that we were going to be taken there (and not have to pay for it...not the cheapest place in England), we were more than excited.

Of COURSE I didn't get the word "Betty's" in there...

Display in the window. Just look at those macaroons!

Along with the tea room, there's a sweet little shoppe where you can purchase different tea things.

Will and I decided to meet up in the parking lot outside of my house so that we could take the bus down together. Instead of going the usual way to the bus stop that I generally take, he took me through this muddy back path. I had no idea that that area was even back there! There was a great big field with a couple of horses, some little pubs, a few cute restaurants...I was shocked. How had I been living here for nearly a month and not known that this existed?! Perhaps I should leave my room and explore a bit more...

On the bus, we met up with Valerie, who had just gotten out of class. It felt really nice to reconnect with the two of them. We all talked about our classes, some of the difficulties we've been having, our houses, was just really refreshing to communicate with people who are going through the exact same things that I am. It almost made me feel more confident. They even convinced me to buy a student rail pass!

 Even though I'd only met with them both over a few days back at the beginning of the month, I felt like I was meeting with relatives. There wasn't a moment of awkwardness whatsoever. It was absolutely lovely.

For lunch, I ordered a dish that's made out of shredded potatoes, cheese, and British Bacon. (I say "British bacon" because it's kind of like American bacon and Canadian bacon had a baby. Quite tasty though!) Although it was quite filling, it was absolutely delicious! To drink, I got a soda called Elderflower Bubbly. I'd never heard of it before and it sounded rather European, so I had to try it. It was nice for sipping, but I don't think that I'd ever sit down with a whole bottle of it.

My mouth is watering just lookint at it!

It's just so fancy! 

While we ate our lunches, we all chatted about York, upcoming Butler events, current events in the world, the weather, fashion, our home schools...just everything. I'm not sure how, but I even worked camp into there. You know what they say about camp one of us for 15 minutes and you'll know what we do with our summers.

After we'd eaten and I swore that I'd never be able to eat ever again, the waitress brought out the dessert cart. On it were the most delicious looking desserts I'd ever seen. When she described what each of them were, our eyes all popped. I ended up ordering some cake looking like thing with meringue and almond and hazelnut and yum and alskdjfalwejksf. We also each ordered some tea. I didn't understand most of the words on the tea menu, so I got a pepperment one.

Both were beyond fabulous.

It was so nice! It didn't even need sugar! But then again, I've always preferred my tea without milk and sugar. But still.

Oh yeah. There was a delicious sweet on top. And like a puddle of berries. And then she put some sweet cream on my plate as well.
 Now, I'm sitting in my room trying to write two papers, both due on Monday. *sigh* Oh well. I guess that you have to "study" when you "study abroad." ;)

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