Saturday, January 4, 2014

January 4th, 2014: FINALLY IN YORK!

This morning, the two other York people, a staff person, and I all got onto a train at Kings Cross Station to York. We arrived at around 11:30 and were met by someone who works with the international students here. We were signed into our rooms, received our bedding packs, and got our first tour of the campus. Despite the dampness (it IS January, after all), it’s an extraordinarily beautiful place. I’m absolutely in love. We took a bus into the town, walked around the wall, got some lunch at a British tea room, and just explored the city a bit. I must say, I prefer York over London by a long shot. This is my kind of city.
            After we were finished exploring a bit, the two other York students and I took a bus back to campus. We went to an on-campus grocery store to pick up a few essential items. I got all non-parishable things, because I’m not sure what the refrigerator situation is yet. Looks like it’s cereal, canned pasta, and peanut butter sandwiches for the next few days!! 
            When I got back to my room, I spent two hours trying to figure out how to get onto the Internet. I finally figured it out, and life is good :) Now to finish eating this can of Heinz Spaghetti...

                                                        ((Gotta get back to Hogwarts!!!))
                                                            ((Kings Cross Station!!!!!))
                                                         Finally in York, England!!!!!!!!!!
                                                       The wall that surrounds the city :D
                   The English Tea Room where we had lunch. I had a jacket potato with cheese.

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