Saturday, January 4, 2014

January 1, 2014

Hello, all!!

Sorry about the lack of updates. I didn't have any wifi for a few days (as you will see by the whining in the following posts), so I blogged on a word doc. Here's what I had to say each day!!!

((Well, I didn't blog about the plane from NYC-London, so I'll just do that now))

The plane from Charlotte to JFK went rather well. Nothing really notable happened, but I got this great picture that reminded me of The Lion King:

                               ((Look, Simba. Everything the light touches will be yours someday))

When I got to JFK and found the right terminal (It involved an air train and asking people for help and other scary things), I saw that there were about 100 IFSA-Butler students all crammed together in one little corner. It was great! I started talking to the other people, hanging out with them and swapping stories. It made me confident that London was the way to go. 

                                   ((Airplane dinner. Beef and veggies. Actually rather tasty!!))

    ((I was GOING to listen to Stephen Fry read the first Harry Potter book on the plane, but it broke))

Then, when I got to my room in London...

January 1, 2014: Evening

            After peeling myself out of bed, my orientation group and I walked through Muggle London until we got to a rather nice restaurant called Grace. I had some feta and pea risotto and a lemon tart for dinner. The restaurant supposedly had wifi, but for some reason, my iPod touch says that it’s connected to wifi here in England, but then tells me that it doesn’t know what’s going on and won’t load anything. I think that’s worse than having no wifi at all.

            After dinner, a few people and I were feeling rather adventurous, so we decided to walk around until we found some trendy pub or something to go in. However, as we walked, things kept on getting sketchier and sketchier until we were in some strange part of Soho that was filled with stores that we’d rather not enter. A nice gentleman helped us back to the “clean cut” area. We saw a pub called the Duke of Wellington and thought, “Hey! That looks nice and sounds British!” But while the bouncer was checking our IDs, he said, “Just to warn you all, this IS a gay bar.” And when we looked in the window, we saw that no one in there was under the age of 50, so we decided to keep walking.

After walking around a bit and going into a couple of stores, we decided to just head back to the hotel, seeing as how we’re all still dead tired from our travels.

((But I DID try to connect to McDonalds’ free wifi on the way back. Again, it said that it connected, but then it didn’t load anything. This had better not become a trend.)) ((Let’s just hope that my parents are getting the mental vibes that I’m sending them about how I’m safe))

That’s all fine and dandy, yes. But in all of that, I actually made some progress in prioritizing real things over fandom things.

Let me explain.

Tonight in the UK, Sherlock came back at 8pm. However, instead of telling my new friends that I’d just hang out with them later, I opted to miss Sherlock. I’m internally dying right now because it’s 8:24 PM, there’s a TV in my room, and I don’t have any Internet or anything, but I can’t just start watching in the middle. It’d spoil everything.

Besides. Today, when we were driving into London, we drove past Baker Street. So that counts…right?

Whatever. Let’s all mark the calendar, people. January 1, 2014: Ellen picked people over fandom.

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